2012 Wildwood Rock Extreme | Photos

The Magic Man - Photographer Russel Colvin and the 2012 grid girls at the finish line Photo Source: Russel Colvin

2012 Grid girls Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

The Wildwood Rock event team doing a great job in bringing together a great day year after year. Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Matthew Phillips takes the outright win and adds a cool $10,000 to his wallet. Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Pro Class 1st Matthew Phillips | 2nd Alfredo Gomez | 3rd Dylan Rees and event manager Steven Braszell Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Expert Class 1st Jade Gartlan | 2nd Chris Cash | 3rd Shaun Bruton Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Clubman Class 1st Chris Perry | 2nd Simon Van-Baalen | 3rd Craig Charleston Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Matty Phillips, winners are grinners - a $10,000 smile Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Alfredo Gomez had his first taste of Wildwood Rock. Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Alfredo Gomez takes 2nd outright home to Spain and the Factory extreme Husaberg team Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Sherco mounted Dylan Rees - 3rd outright Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Matthew Phillips stakes his claim as number 1 Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Alfredo Gomez gets the great news of 2nd place at his first Wildwood event Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Clubman Rider Ben Alfred, working his way through the Honda Wet Rock Dog-leg Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Matthew Phillips after 3 hours takes the win after a great battle with Alfredo Gomez. Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

2010 Outright winner and fastest rider of this years Prologue, Mitch Harper sets off for 3 hrs of pain. Unfortunately Harper didn't finish Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Matthew Phillips jumping the Beta Big Tyres Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Harper claims the fastest Prologue time by 15 seconds Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Spanish Rider Alfredo Gomez leading Australian rider Robert Nowak Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Alfredo Gomez making his way out of the Beta Rock Garden Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

taking the new hard Rooster line out of the Beta rock garden Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Alfredo thanking Phillips after the event for a great ride. Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Clubman Rider, Jesse Redpath pushing through the KTM dam Crossing, finishing the event in 22nd Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Dylan Rees made of Tough Stuff, just what it takes to be placed 3rd outright after 3 hours. Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Kristie McKinnon one of the first female riders to enter Wildwood Rock taking 4th Expert and 12th outright Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

World Extreme Rider Alfredo Gomez on the Prologue track. Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Dylan Rees gave it his all to finish 3rd outright in an epic event. Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Robert Nowak shows his extreme skill with a 7th outright finish after dropping a lap from a derailed chain Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Robert Nowak pushing through the KTM Dam crossing Photo Credit: Russel Colvin

Event starting order lined up for the 3 hour extreme event. Photo Credit: Russel Colvin